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Woodraska, D. L., T. N. Woods, and F. G. Eparvier, Comparison of TIMED Satellite Drag with Solar EUV Experiment (SEE) Measurements, J. Spacecraft & Rockets, 44, 6, 1204-1209, doi: 10.2514/1.28639, 2007.
Woods, T. N., and J. Lean, Anticipating the Next Decade of Sun-Earth System Variations, EOS, Transactions, AGU, 88, 44, 30 October, 2007.
Avakyan, S., Space Solar Patrol: Absolute measurements of ionizing solar radiation, Adv. Space Res., 37(2), 297-302, 2006.
Bailey, S., T. Woods, E. Rodgers, S. Solomon, and F. Eparvier, Observations of the solar soft X-ray irradiance by the Student Nitric Oxide Explorer (SNOE), Adv. Space Res., 37, 2, p. 209-218, 2006.
Bhardwaj, A., R. F. Elsner, G. R. Gladstone, J. H. Waite, G. Branduardi-Raymont, T. E. Cravens, and P. G. Ford, Low- to middle-latitude X-ray emission from Jupiter, J. Geophys. Res., 111, A10, 11225-, doi: 10.1029/2006JA011792, 2006.
Bowman, B. R., W. K. Tobiska, and F. A. Marcos, A New Empirical Thermospheric Density Model JB2006 Using New Solar Indices, AIAA, 2006-6166, 2006.
Chamberlin, P. C., T. N. Woods, and F. G. Eparvier, Rocket Extreme ultraviolet Grating spectrometer (EGS): Calibrations and results of the solar irradiance on February 8, 2002, Opt. Eng., 45, 063605, 2006.
Chamberlin, P. C., T. N. Woods, and F. G. Eparvier, Flare Irradiance Spectral Model (FISM) use for space weather applications, International Living With a Star (ILWS) Workshop Proceedings, Goa, India, 2006.
Everett, M. E., Local time stacking of geomagnetic solar daily variations, J. Geophys. Res.: Solid Earth, 111(B3), 2006.
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Ramesh, K. B., and K. S. Raman, Solar X-ray spectral irradiance variability, Solar Phys., 234(2), 393-408, 2006.
Richards, P. G., T. N. Woods, and W. K. Peterson, HEUVAC: a new high resolution solar EUV proxy model, Adv. Space Res., 37, 2, 315-322, 2006.
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Rodgers, E. M., S. M. Bailey, H. P. Warren, T. N. Woods, and F. G. Eparvier, Soft X-ray irradiances during a solar flare observed by TIMED-SEE, J. Geophys. Res., 111, A10S13, doi: 10.1029/2005JA011505, 2006.
Rottman, G. J., T. N. Woods, and W. McClintock, SORCE solar UV irradiance results, Adv. Space Res., 37, 201-208, doi: 10.1016/j.asr.2005.02.072, 2006.
Sasseen, T. P., et al., A search for extreme-ultraviolet emission from comets with the cosmic hot interstellar plasma spectrometer (CHIPS), Astrophys. J., 650(1), 461, 2006.
Schmidtke, G., F. G. Eparvier, S. Solomon, W. K. Tobiska, and T. N. Woods, Introduction to the TIGER (Thermospheric/Ionospheric Geospheric Research) Program, Adv. Space Res., 37, 2, 194-198, 2006.
Smithtro, C. G., J. J. Sojka, T. Berkey, D. Thompson, and R. W. Schunk, Anomalous F region response to moderate solar flares, Radio Science, 41(5), 2006.
Sojka, J., C. Smithtro, and R. Schunk, Recent developments in ionosphere-thermosphere modeling with an emphasis on solar variability, Adv. Space Res., 37, 2, 369-379, 2006.
Solomon, S. C., Numerical models of the E-region ionosphere, Adv. Space Res., 37, 1031-1037, doi: 10.1016/j.asr.2005.09.040, 2006.
Sutton, E. K., J. M. Forbes, R. S. Nerem, and T. N. Woods, Neutral density response to the solar flares on October and November 2003, GEOPHYS. RES. LETT., 33, L22101, doi: 10.1029/2006GL027737, 2006.
Tobiska, W. K., S. D. Bouwer, and B. R. Bowman, The development of new solar indices for use in thermospheric density modeling, AIAA, 2006-6165, 2006.
Tobiska, W. K., and C.D. Fry, Solar and Geomagnetic Space Environment Specification for Operations, AIAA, 2006-0471, 2006.
Tobiska, W. K., and S. D. Bouwer, New developments in SOLAR2000 for space research and operations, Adv. Space Res., 37, 2, 347-358, doi:10.1016/j.asr.2005.08.015, 2006.
Wang, X., R. Eastes, S. Weichecki Vergara, S. Bailey, C. Valladares, and T. Woods, On the short term relationship between solar soft X-ray flux and equatorial Total Electron Content (TEC), J. Geophys. Res., 111, A10S15, doi: 10.1029/2005JA011488, 2006.
Warren, H., NRLEUV 2: a new model of solar EUV irradiance variability, Adv. Space Res., 37, 2, 359-365, 2006.
Woods, T. N., and F. G. Eparvier, Solar ultraviolet variability during the TIMED mission, Adv. Space Res., 37, 2, 219-224, 2006.
Woods, T. N., G. Kopp, and P. C. Chamberlin, Contributions of the solar ultraviolet irradiance to the total solar irradiance during large flares, J. Geophys. Res., 111, A10S14, doi: 10.1029/2005JA011507, 2006.
Auchère, F., J. W. Cook, J. S. Newmark, D. R. McMullin, R. von Steiger, and M. Witte, The heliospheric He II 30.4 nm solar flux during cycle 23, Astrophys. J., 625(2), 1036, 2005.
Avakyan, S. V., Microwave radiation of the ionosphere as a factor in the way solar flares and geomagnetic storms act on biosystems, J. Optical Technology, 72(8), 608-614, 2005.
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Chamberlin, P. C., The flare irradiance spectral model, PhD Thesis, University of Colorado at Boulder, 2005.
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Snow, M., W. E. McClintock, T. N. Woods, O. R. White, J. W. Harder, and G. J. Rottman, The Magnesium II index from SORCE, Solar Phys., 230, 1-2, 325-344, 2005.
Solomon, S. C., and L. Qian, Solar extreme-ultraviolet irradiance for general circulation models, J. Geophys. Res., 110, A10306, doi: 10.1029/2005JA011160, 2005.
Tsurutani, B. T., D. L. Judge, F. L. Guarnieri, P. Gangopadhyay, A. R. Jones, J. Nuttall, G. A. Zambon, L. Didkovsky, A. J. Mannucci, B. Iijima, R. R. Meier, T. J. Immel, T. N. Woods, S. Prasad, J. Huba, S. C. Solomon, P. Straus, and R. Viereck, The October 28, 2003 extreme EUV solar flare and resultant extreme ionospheric effects: Comparison to other Halloween events and the Bastille Day event, Geophys. Res. Lett., 32, L03S09, doi: 10.1029/2004GL021475, 2005.
Warren, H. P., A Solar Minimum Irradiance Spectrum for Wavelengths below 1200?, Astrophys. J. Supplement Series, 157(1), 147, 2005.
Woods, T. N., F. G. Eparvier, S. M. Bailey, P. C. Chamberlin, J. Lean, G. J. Rottman, S. C. Solomon, W. K. Tobiska, and D. L. Woodraska, The Solar EUV Experiment (SEE): Mission overview and first results, J. Geophys. Res., 110, A01312, doi: 10.1029/2004JA010765, 2005.
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Chamberlin, P. C., T. N. Woods, and F. G. Eparvier, Rocket Extreme ultraviolet Grating Spectrograph (EGS): calibrations and results of the solar irradiance on February 8, 2002, SPIE Proceedings, 5538, 31-42, 2004.
Eastes, R., S. Bailey, B. Bowman, F. Marcos, J. Wise, and T. Woods, The correspondence between thermospheric neutral densities and broadband measurements of the total solar soft X-ray flux, Geophys. Res. Lett., 31, L19804, doi: 10.1029/2004GL020801, 2004.
Eparvier, F. G., et al., The EUV Variability Experiment (EVE) aboard the NASA Solar Dynamics Observatory (SDO), in: Fourth Intl. Asia-Pacific Environmental Remote Sensing Symposium 2004: Remote Sensing of the Atmosphere, Ocean, Environment, and Space, pp. 48-55, Intl. Society for Optics and Photonics, December 2004.
Fox, J. L., Response of the Martian thermosphere/ionosphere to enhanced fluxes of solar soft X rays, J. Geophys. Res.: Space Physics, 109(A11), 2004.
Fox, J. L., CO2+ dissociative recombination: A source of thermal and nonthermal C on Mars, J. Geophys. Res.: Space Physics, 109(A8), 2004.
Knipp, D. J., W. K. Tobiska, and B. A. Emery, Direct and indirect thermospheric heating sources for solar cycles 21–23, Solar Phys., 224(1-2), 495-505, 2004.
Maharaj‐Sharma, R., and G. G. Shepherd, Solar variability of the daytime atomic oxygen O (1S) emission in the middle and lower thermosphere, J. Geophys. Res.: Space Physics, 109(A3), 2004.
Marcos, F. A., J. O. Wise, M. J. Kendra, and N. Grossbard, Advances in Satellite Drag Modeling, in: Proc. of 42nd AIAA Aerospace Sciences Meeting and Exhibit, pp. 5-8, January 2004.
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Strickland, D. J., et al., Solar EUV irradiance variability derived from terrestrial far ultraviolet dayglow observations. Geophys. Res. Lett., 31(3), 2004.
Thuillier, G., T. N. Woods, L. E. Floyd, R. Cebula, M. HersZ, and D. Labs, Reference solar spectra during solar cycle 22, in: Solar Variability and Its Effect on Climate , eds. J. Pap, C. Frӧhlich, H. Hudson, J. Kuhn, J. McCormack, G. North, W. Sprig, and S. T. Wu, Geophys. Monograph Series, Wash. DC, pp. 171-194, 2004.
Tobiska, W. K., SOLAR2000 irradiances for climate change research, aeronomy and space system engineering, Adv. Space Res., 34(8), 1736-1746, 2004.
Woodraska, D. L., T. N. Woods, and F. G. Eparvier, In-flight Calibration and Performance of the Solar Extreme Ultraviolet Experiment (SEE) aboard the TIMED Satellite, SPIE Proceedings, 5660, 36-47, 2004.
Woods, T., L. W. Acton, S. Bailey, F. Eparvier, H. Garcia, D. Judge, J. Lean, D. McMullin, G. Schmidtke, S. C. Solomon, W. K. Tobiska, and H. P. Warren, Solar extreme ultraviolet and x-ray irradiance variations, in: Solar Variability and Its Effect on Climate, Eds. J. Pap, C. Frӧhlich, H. Hudson, J. Kuhn, J. McCormack, G. North, W. Sprig, and S. T. Wu, Geophys. Monograph Series, Wash. DC, pp. 127-140, 2004.
Woods, T. N., F. G. Eparvier, J. Fontenla, J. Harder, G. Kopp, W. E. McClintock, G. Rottman, B. Smiley, and M. Snow, Solar irradiance variability during the October 2003 solar storm period, Geophys. Res. Lett., 31, L10802, doi: 10.1029/2004GL019571, 2004.
Christensen, A. B., et al., Initial observations with the Global Ultraviolet Imager (GUVI) in the NASA TIMED satellite mission, J. Geophys. Res.: Space Physics, 108(A12), 2003.
Eparvier, F. G., and T. N. Woods, Solar EUV spectral irradiance: measurements and variability, in: Proceedings of the International Solar Cycles Studies Symposium on ‘Solar Variability as an Input to Earth’s Environment’, ESA SP-535, pp. 209-216, September, 2003.
Floyd, L. E., J. W. Cook, L. C. Herring, and P. C. Crane, SUSIM’S 11-year observational record of the solar UV irradiance, Adv. Space Res., 31(9), 2111-2120, 2003.
Lean, J. L., H. P. Warren, J. T. Mariska, and J. Bishop, A new model of solar EUV irradiance variability 2. Comparisons with empirical models and observations and implications for space weather, J. Geophys. Res.: Space Physics, 108(A2), 2003.
Lean, J. L., J. T. Mariska, H. P. Warren, T. N. Woods, F. G. Eparvier, D. R. McMullin, D. L. Judge, J. S. Newmark, and R. A. Viereck, Magnetic Modulation of Solar 304 Å Irradiance, Bull of Amer. Astro. Soc., 35, 842, May 2003.
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Rottman, G., L. Floyd, and R. Viereck, Measurements of the solar ultraviolet irradiance, in: Solar Variability and Its Effects on Climate, pp 111-125, 2003.
Talaat, E. R., J. H. Yee, A. B. Christensen, T. L. Killeen, J. M. Russell III, and T. N. Woods, TIMED science: First light, Johns Hopkins APL Technical Digest, 24(2), 143, 2003.
Thuillier, G., L. Floyd, T. N. Woods, R. Cebula, E. Hilsenrath, M. Hersé, and D. Labs, Solar irradiance reference spectra, in: Solar Variability and Its Effects on Climate, pp 171-194, 2003.
Tobiska, W. K., Forecast E10.7 for improved LEO satellite operations, J. Spacecraft & Rocket., 40, 3, 405-410, 2003.
Woods, T. N., S. M. Bailey, W. K. Peterson, H. P. Warren, S. C. Solomon, F. G. Eparvier, H. Garcia, C. W. Carlson, and J. P. McFadden, Solar extreme ultraviolet variability of the X-class flare on April 21, 2002 and the terrestrial photoelectron response, Space Weather, 1, 1001, doi:10.1029/2003SW000010, 2003.
Woods, T., et al., Solar Extreme Ultraviolet and X‐Ray Irradiance Variations, in: Solar Variability and Its Effects on Climate, pp 127-140, 2003.
Yee, J. H., E. R. Talaat, A. B. Christensen, T. L. Killeen, J. M. Russell, and T. N. Woods, TIMED instruments, Johns Hopkins APL Technical Digest, 24, 156-164, 2003.
Lang, J., W. T. Thompson, C. D. Pike, B. J. Kent, and C. R. Foley, The radiometric calibration of the coronal diagnostic spectrometer, The Radiometric Calibration of SOHO, ESA SR-002, 2, 105, 2002.
McMullin, D., T. Woods, I. E. Dammasch, D. Judge, P. Lemaire, J. S. Newmark, W. Thompson, W. K. Tobiska, and K. Wilhelm, Irradiance working group report for the SOHO intercalibration workshop, in Radiometric Inter-calibration of SOHO, eds. M. C. E. Huber, A. Pauluhn, and R. von Steiger, Bern, Switzerland, pp. 317-326, 2002.
Rottman, G., The solar irradiance and its variations, in: The Evolving Sun and its Influence on Planetary Environments, 269, p. 25, 2002.
Smith, P. L., and M. C. Huber, Spectroradiometry for solar physics in space, The Radiometric Calibration of SOHO, ESA SR-002, 21-36, 2002.
Tobiska, W. K., Variability in the TSI from irradiances shortward of Lyman-alpha, Adv. Space Res., 29, 12, 1969-1974, 2002.
Tobiska, W. K., New developments in solar irradiance proxies for operational space weather, Proceedings of 4th TIGER Symposium, virtual journal at http://www.ipm.fraunhofer.de/english/meetings/workshops/tiger/, June 2002.
Woods, T., Solar vacuum ultraviolet irradiance measurements and models for solar cycle 23, in: From Solar Min to Max: Half a Solar Cycle with SOHO, 508, pp. 165-172, June 2002.
Woods, T. N., and G. J. Rottman, Solar ultraviolet variability over time periods of aeronomic interest, in: Comparative Aeronomy in the Solar System, eds. M. Mendillo, A. Nagy, and J. Hunter Waite, Jr., Geophys. Monograph Series, Washington, DC, pp. 221-234, 2002.
Woods, T., and G. Rottman, Future solar irradiance observations from the NASA TIMED and SORCE satellites, in: Radiometric Inter-calibration of SOHO, eds. M. C. E. Huber, A. Pauluhn, and R. von Steiger, Bern, Switzerland, pp. 347-354, 2002.
Woods, T. N., F. G. Eparvier, S. C. Solomon, D. L. Woodraska, and S. M. Bailey, Early results from the TIMED Solar EUV Experiment, Proceedings of 4th TIGER Symposium, June 2002.
2001 and Prior (most current year on top and then alphabetical)
Auchère, F., D. M. Hassler, D. C. Slater, and T. N. Woods, SWRI/LASP sounding rocket inter-calibration with the EIT instrument on board SOHO, Solar Phys., 202(2), 269-280, 2001.
Eparvier, F. G., T. N. Woods, G. J. Ucker, and D. L. Woodraska, TIMED solar EUV experiment: pre-flight calibration results for the EUV grating spectrograph, SPIE Proceedings, 4498, 91-100, Dec., 2001.
Tobiska, W. K., Validating the solar EUV proxy, E10.7, J. Geophys. Res., 106, A12, 29969-29978, 2001.
Warren, H. P., J. T. Mariska, and J. Lean, A new model of solar EUV irradiance variability: 1. Model formulation. J. Geophys. Res.: Space Physics, 106(A8), 15745-15757, 2001.
Bailey, S. M., T. N. Woods, C. A. Barth, S. C. Solomon, L. R. Canfield, and R. Korde, Measurements of the solar soft X‐ray irradiance by the Student Nitric Oxide Explorer: First analysis and underflight calibrations, J. Geophys. Res.: Space Physics, 105(A12), 27179-27193, 2000.
Thompson, W. T., Differential scrubbing in a microchannel-plate intensified CCD detector, Optical Engineering, 39(10), 2651-2659, 2000.
Tobiska, W. K., and A. A. Nusinov, Status of the draft ISO solar irradiance standard, Phys. Chem. Earth, 25, No. 5-6, 387-388, 2000.
Tobiska, W. K., Status of the SOLAR2000 solar irradiance model, Phys. Chem. Earth, 25, No. 5-6, 383-386, 2000.
Tobiska, W. K., Measurement and modeling of solar EUV/UV radiation, Phys. Chem. Earth, 25, No. 5-6, 371-374, 2000.
Tobiska, W. K., T. Woods, F. Eparvier, R. Viereck, L. Floyd, D. Bouwer, G. Rottman, and O. R. White, The SOLAR2000 empirical solar irradiance model and forecast tool, J. Atmos. Solar-Terr. Phys., 62, 14, 1233-1250, 2000.
Woods, T. N., S. M. Bailey, F. G. Eparvier, G. M. Lawrence, J. Lean, W. E. McClintock, R. G. Roble, G. J. Rottman, S. C. Solomon, W. K. Tobiska, and O. R. White, The TIMED solar EUV experiment, Physics and Chemistry of the Earth, Part C: Solar, Terrestrial & Planetary Science, 25, 5-6, 393-396, doi:10.1016/S1464-1917(00)00040-4, 2000.
Woods, T. N., G. J. Rottman, J. W. Harder, G. M. Lawrence, W. E. McClintock, G. A. Kopp, and C. Pankratz, Overview of the EOS SORCE mission, in: Intl. Symposium on Optical Science and Technology, pp. 192-203, Intl. Society for Optics and Photonics, November 2000.
Bailey, S. M., T. N. Woods, L. R. Canfield, R. Korde, C. A. Barth, S. C. Solomon, and G. J. Rottman, Sounding rocket measurements of the solar soft x-ray irradiance, Solar Phys., 186, 243-257, 1999.
Woods, T. N., E. Rodgers, S. Bailey, F. Eparvier, and G. Ucker, TIMED Solar EUV Experiment: pre-flight calibration results for the XUV Photometer System, SPIE Proceedings, 3756, 1999.
Yee, J. H., G. E. Cameron, and D. Y. Kusnierkiewicz, Overview of TIMED, in: SPIE’s Intl. Symposium on Optical Science, Engineering, and Instrumentation, pp. 244-254, Intl. Society for Optics and Photonics, October 1999.
Avakyan, S. V., M. L. Ivanova, and A. V. Savushkin, Modernization of the EUV spectrometer for the space patrol of solar ionizing radiation, in: Remote Sensing, pp. 465-470, Intl. Society for Optics and Photonics, December 1998.
Warren, H. P., J. T. Mariska, and J. Lean, A new reference spectrum for the EUV irradiance of the quiet Sun: 1. Emission measure formulation, J. Geophys. Res.: Space Physics, 103(A6), 12077-12089, 1998.
Woods, T. N., F. G. Eparvier, S. M. Bailey, S. C. Solomon, G. J. Rottman, G. M. Lawrence, R. G. Roble, O. R. White, J. Lean, and W. K. Tobiska, TIMED Solar EUV Experiment, SPIE Proceedings, 3442, 180-191, 1998.
Woods, T. N., G. J. Rottman, S. M. Bailey, S. C. Solomon, and J. Worden, Solar extreme ultraviolet irradiance measurements during solar cycle 22, Solar Phys., 177, 133-146, 1998.
Rottman, G. R., Observations of the Sun at Ultraviolet Wavelengths: 1 to 400 nm, in: Solar Analogs: Characteristics and Optimum Candidates, ed. J. C. Hall, Proc. Sec. Annual Lowell Observatory Fall Workshop, pp. 28-34, 1997.
Woods, T. N., G. J. Rottman, R. G. Roble, O. R. White, S. C. Solomon, G. M. Lawrence, J. Lean, and W. K. Tobiska, TIMED Solar EUV Experiment, SPIE Proceedings, 2266, 467-479, 1994.
Woods, T. N., G. J. Rottman, S. Bailey, and S. C. Solomon, Vacuum-ultraviolet instrumentation for solar irradiance and thermospheric airglow, Optical Eng., 33, 438-444, 1994.
Woods, T. N., S. Bailey, S. C. Solomon, and G. J. Rottman, Far ultraviolet and extreme ultraviolet rocket instrumentation for measuring the solar spectral irradiance and terrestrial airglow, SPIE Proceedings, 1745, 140-148, 1992.
Woods, T. N., and G. J. Rottman, Solar EUV irradiance derived from a sounding rocket experiment on 10 November 1988, J. Geophys. Res., 95, 6227-6236, 1990.