Events & Outreach

Events & Outreach

LASP hosts regular seminars for scientists and occasional public events. Please visit this page regularly for updates.

International Observe the Moon Night

LASP’s IMPACT lab will once again host a sky-viewing party for International Observe the Moon Night. Members of the public are invited to come to the courthouse lawn at the Pearl Street Mall on Saturday, October 21 from 6:00-9:00pm. There will be a variety of telescopes as well as several IMPACT scientists to help give you a guided tour of the Moon, planets, and other celestial objects, as well as answer questions.

This free event is part of a worldwide public event that encourages observation, appreciation and understanding of our Moon and its connection to space science, exploration, and human culture. This annual celebration connects scientists, educators and lunar enthusiasts from around the world.

LASP Science Seminars

LASP seminars are generally held every Thursday at 4:00 PM during the academic year. They are typically hybrid presentations held both in person and on Zoom. If you are interested in attending, please contact to be added to the mailing list.

We are currently seeking speakers for our Spring 2024 seminar series. If you or a colleague would like to give a seminar, please contact the seminar organizers:

Sonal Jain (Planetary)
Yi Qi (Space Physics)
David Wilson (Solar/Stellar)
Chihoko Cullens (Earth Atmospheres)

No upcoming science seminars. Check back soon.

LASP Magnetosphere Seminars

The ‘Friends of the Magnetosphere’ (FOM) Seminars focus on space physics and plasma research relating to the magnetospheres of Earth and other planets.

No upcoming science seminars. Check back soon.

Upcoming Launches


Space science research is exciting! LASP’s Office of Communication Management conveys what’s happening in our lab and across the universe through a regular newsletter, tours, and special events. We also partner with many groups on the CU Boulder campus who organize a wide variety of outreach programs.