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Laboratory for Atmospheric and Space Physics

Radio Jove Blog

Radio Jove at LASP is currently being run by two CU Boulder APS undergraduate students, Haeyoung Lim and Parker Hinton. They have built a radio telescope that can detect signal from Jupiter, and will operate it through the winter at Jupiter’s peak radio-emission observing times. This blog will be updated with their progress.

This project was formerly run by Lucy Todd, a Summer 2016 REU student from the UK. Her experience is also published below.


Outer Heliosphere Workshop Agenda

June 22, 2021

RECORDING OF TALKS – here – you should be able to click on one of the 3 sessions and watch without downloading the (large) files. But we had some problems and you may need to download. Wednesday 21 July – Capabilities9:00 Meeting logistics – Fran Bagenal9:15 Opening Remarks – Alan Stern9:30 NH-SWAP capabilities – Heather […]

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January 6, 2020

Juno UVS images from PJ3 (3rd orbit) superimposed on a JunoCam image of Jupiter – Bertrand Bonfond January 2020

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A Goodbye

July 24, 2017

We thank Tomaz (middle) for his dedication on RadioJove and wish him luck with his future research.

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Dessler 1983

February 1, 2017

Physics of the Jovian Magnetosphere – A.J. Dessler, Editor, from Cambridge University Press, 1983 Preface & Table of Contents – Some of the chapters had to be split into 2 parts. Ch 1 A B – Jupiter’s magnetic field and magnetosphere – Acuna, Bohannon & Connerney Ch 2 – Ionosphere – Strobel & Atreya Ch 3 – […]

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4. Antenna Construction — Mark II (Metal masts)

November 22, 2016

by Haeyoung and Parker, Fall 2016. Upon taking over from Lucy, we decided to change the design of the masts in order to 1) optimize the function of the telescope and 2) make it semi-permanent to use for the next 2 years or so. We did this by constructing the masts from 10’6″ metal fence top […]

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3: Observations and Results

August 1, 2016
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2: Antenna Construction (PVC Masts)

July 14, 2016
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1: Receiver Construction

June 30, 2016
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