Fits to Spectra
The data presented below are from a re-analysis of the Voyager PLS data at Jupiter by the CU-LASP group using the VIPER code and error analysis.
Data File Documentation – Outlines the format of the below Data Files.
Voyager 1 Data File – Contains the results of the fits to the Voyager 1 spectra.
Voyager 2 Data File – Contains the results of the fits to the Voyager 2 spectra.
Cold Plasma Torus – Voyager 1 – ColdTorus(pdf) – ColdTorus Movie – (Oct 2015)
Voyager 1 CSV file – Contains parameter information for final Voyager 1 spectra fits
Voyager 1 Uncertainty CSV file – Uncertainties corresponding to parameter values from Voyager 1 CSV
Voyager 2 CSV file – Contains parameter information for final Voyager 1 spectra fits
Voyager 2 Uncertainty CSV file – Uncertainties corresponding to parameter values from Voyager 2 CSV
Read CSV Documentation – Explanation of how to unpack CSV file parameters and parameter uncertainties. (structured in IDL format)
All Fits – Bellow are zipped folders containing groups of fits from the Viper Reanalysis. The folders contain .png formatted spectra containing A, B, C, and D cup plots for each spectra fit. Due to file size constraints, the folders each contain sets of 75 spectra grouped according to time stamp.
Voyager 1
V1 1-50 (DOY 62 10 23 58 – 63 14 4 47)
V1 51-100 (DOY 63 14 6 23 – 63 18 31 58)
V1 101-150 (DOY 63 18 36 – 63 20 14 23)
V1 151-200 (DOY 63 20 20 47 – 63 22 38)
V1 201-250 (DOY 63 22 39 58 – 64 0 33 34)
V1 251-300 (DOY 64 0 35 11 – 64 2 51 10)
V1 301-350 (DOY 64 2 52 46 – 64 4 15 59)
V1 351-400 (DOY 64 4 17 34 – 64 5 56 47)
V1 401-450 (DOY 64 5 59 58 – 64 7 34 23)
V1 451-500 (DOY 64 7 35 59 – 64 9 0 47)
V1 501-550 (DOY 64 9 2 22 – 64 10 38 24)
V1 551-600 (DOY 64 10 39 59 – 64 12 8 2)
V1 601-650 (DOY 64 12 9 38 – 64 13 32 52)
V1 651-700 (DOY 64 13 34 28 – 64 15 2 28)
V1 701-750 (DOY 64 15 4 4 – 64 16 35 17)
V1 751-771 (DOY 64 16 36 53 – 64 19 32 54)
Voyager 2
V2 1-75 (DOY 188 22 24 10 – 191 9 15 21)
V2 76-103 (DOY 191 9 16 58 – 191 10 0 9)